stake body中文什么意思

发音:   用"stake body"造句
  • stake:    n. 1.赌博;赌注,赌金。 2.〔 ...
  • body:    n. 1.身体,体躯,肉体;尸首;躯 ...
  • body stake:    车身栅柱
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  1. By the check - out , inspection and measurement to start construction the industrial art to this test pile with the examination between stake body mass and bearing power , made sure the stroke reasonable operation method drilling under the dissolved cavern geology term ; the pier foundation loading test expressed the lading and rub the lading that resistance drag a glazing for of relation , and to the borehole cast - in - place concrete pile in the karst terrain deliver with break the mechanism , the characteristic of bearing power , proceeding the spot test job of the full of result ; the test data expresses the stake side friction resistance to rises with a bat batch terminal friction resistance very important function , the of tip of pile resistance drag occupies the proportion very few
  2. Compared with the mud on wall form hole technology , clash stake technology or vibration sink pipe technology used in complex foundation stake forming , it has advantages of no vibration , no pollution , and no noise . in addition , since the concrete pressed into the drill stem sent vibration free concrete to the pump , so it is eas y to ensure the quality of the stake body . compared with the mud on wall and dry work form hole technology , the side obstruction and end obstruction of screw drill press concrete stake have all been accordingly improved , the weight bearing is better , and the transmutation of the complex foundation is less


  1. stake 1 什么意思
  2. stake 2 什么意思
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  4. stake a claim 什么意思
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  7. stake dam 什么意思
  8. stake debt 什么意思
  9. stake driver 什么意思
  10. stake gauge 什么意思



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